
Not just another boring law firm.

At Cadena Legal, we pride ourselves on delivering innovative and cutting-edge tax and legal advice tailored to the unique needs of our diverse clientele.

Founded by renowned Australian tax lawyer Harrison Dell, we are truly dedicated to the success of our clients.

Cadena Legal is all about innovative, customised, creative solutions. This helps our clients optimise their business and personal structures that work for their way of life. From usual Australian tax to cross-border business structures, crypto tax issues, advice for complex funds management and tech businesses, Cadena Legal has become synonymous with blue-sky tax solutions that simply work.

But our commitment to fresh insights doesn’t end with traditional consultancy. The firm’s founder, Harrison Dell, is challenging the status quo. With a remarkable presence on TikTok, Harrison has garnered a following of more than 40,000 enthusiasts and amassed over 7 million views. Through this platform, he sheds light on tax-smart strategies, provides unique insights, and challenges conventional thinking on tax and related subjects.

If you seek a firm that invests in your success, Cadena Legal is your partner. Let us clarify your tax journey with our creative and pragmatic approach.

Contact us here to get started.


Harrison Dell

Director, Tax and Commercial Law

Harrison Dell

Focus Areas

  • Australian Tax
  • International Tax
  • Tax Controversy
  • Financial Services Tax
  • Crypto Asset Taxation

Harrison Dell is the founder and Director of Cadena Legal and heads the Tax Team. He has a particular personal focus on international tax, crypto asset taxation, tax controversy and private client tax advisory. He is a firm believer in driving positive change and challenging the status quo through action.

Harrison has established himself as a trusted commentator on tax issues affecting the general public, with a TikTok following of over 45,000 and over millions of views. He is often asked to feature in leading publications such as the Australian Financial Review and Forbes on Australian tax issues.

Harrison has founded numerous businesses and advises many others. These are all focused on solving industry wide problems. Harrison is a Director of the Australian DeFi Association, an education focused not-for profit, General Counsel for BluBird, a modular compliance and cap table management business, and Advisor for CryptoTaxCalculator, a globally leading tax software platform. Harrison was Co-Founder of Jubi DAO which merged with Blubird in late 2023, and has more projects releasing in 2024.

Alex Papafotiou

Special Counsel, Commercial Law

Focus Areas

  • Commercial and Business Structures
  • Trusts & Estates
  • Business Sale and Merger Transactions
  • International Commercial Law
  • International Incorporations

Alexander Papafotiou has been Special Counsel at Cadena Legal since 2023 and heads the commercial law team. He brings with him his vast expertise in commercial, property and corporate law in Australia and globally. Prior to joining Cadena, Alex established and ran Crypto Law Group, which specialised in providing advice to crypto businesses and projects in areas such as international and domestic entity formation, regulatory compliance and legal documentation.

Spending much of his schooling in Athens and the UK, Alex is proficient in English and Greek and speaks conversational Spanish, giving him an advantage when working with international organisations. With a keen interest in technological advancement, Alex is currently exploring the automation of legal processes via blockchain technology and is an active member of the LexDAO Legal Engineering Guild.  

Damian Lloyd

Senior Associate, Tax Law

Focus Areas

  • Australian Tax
  • Crypto Asset Taxation
  • Tax Controversy

Damian Lloyd is a Senior Associate at Cadena Legal in the tax team and he focuses on ATO disputes, private client and crypto asset taxation issues. Damian has a wealth of knowledge gathered from several years working in senior positions at the ATO before moving into the private sector.

A dedicated contributor to the continual improvement of taxation policies, particularly in the crypto field, Damian is a professional member of Blockchain Australia, appointed as Vice Chair of the Tax Working Group, and a Fellow of the Tax Institute of Australia. Damian enjoys sharing his knowledge and is regularly asked to present at tax and accounting conferences. Damian has also written and contributed to several papers on the application of legal concepts to crypto assets and smart contracts, being featured alongside other prominent tax advisors in The Tax Specialist journal.

Damian is currently challenging the ATO on its views on crypto assets and personally running a test case on the same.

Olivia Kerrigan

Associate, Tax Law

Focus Areas

  • Australian Tax
  • Tax Controversy
  • International Tax

Olivia Kerrigan is an Associate at Cadena Legal in the tax team, specialising in tax disputes and complex tax advisory. Olivia has significant experience from her experience as an ATO litigator working on a variety of matters before her move into the private sector. While at the ATO, Olivia was responsible for representing the Commissioner of Taxation in various litigation matters and developed a keen interest in international tax lax.  


Frank Sunthorn

Paralegal, Commercial Law

Focus Areas

  • Crypto Asset Legal
  • International Commercial Law

Frank Sunthorn is a Paralegal at Cadena Legal in the commercial law team. He has comprehensive domestic and international business experience gained from working with firms such as Corrs Chambers Westgarth, Hall & Wilcox and DFDL in Thailand. With qualifications in Intellectual Property, Blockchain Enabled Business and Law, Frank is a valued member of the Commercial Law team and continues to refine his interest and knowledge in the legalities of cryptocurrency.



Graduate, Tax Law

Focus Areas

  • Australian Tax

Cadeau Makazanyo is a Graduate at Cadena Legal in the tax team, who brings a strong background in client relations and administrative support. Her interest in problem solving and strategic thinking make her a valuable addition to the Cadena tax team, and she continues to develop her knowledge in all areas of the legal field. Passionate about contributing to the community, Cadeau has volunteered with the Rwandan Association of Queensland and the International Programs Unit for the Federal Court of Australia.



Graduate, Tax Law

Focus Areas

  • Australian Tax

Yohanna Wong is a Graduate at Cadena Legal in the tax team, who brings strong skills in both business and law to her role. She has previously worked as a lawyer specialising in litigation with H&C Lawyers and is the Co-Founder of the Yue Ma Entertainment company. Speaking both English and Mandarin, Yohanna is a valued contributor to the Cadena tax team and continues to expand upon her skill set under the guidance of the leadership group.